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Item List

ABA - Spiral Implant

ABA Implant is a highly compatible implant solution based on the popular
Internal Hexagon connection with SLA - Sand blast, double etched in acid surface treatment.
With its tapered body and exceptional self-drilling capabilities,
it establishes a strong and stable connection suitable for immediate loading.
ABA Implant can be used in all types of surgical procedures - two stages, immediate loading,
and flapless for all types of ridges.
It works especially well on narrow ridges without needing prior bone grafting.

CFI - Cylindrical Implant

CFI is an implant with a short pitch, slightly aggressive implant, which is especially for hard bone (mandibula), with platform shift and internal hex.

CON NP - Conical Connection Implant, Narrow Platform (NP)

CON NP is an implant with a high pitch, slightly aggressive implant, which is suitable for immediate loading.
It is characterized by a self-tapping screw with platform shifting and internal hex.

CON RP - Conical Connection Implant, Regular Platform (RP)

CON RP is an implant with a high pitch, slightly aggressive implant, which is suitable for immediate loading.
It is characterized by a self-tapping screw with platform shifting and internal hex.

EVA - Mount-Less Implant

EVA - Mount-Less Implant

MAX - Basal/Cortical Implant

GDT MAX Basal/Cortical Implant delivers excellent stability for immediate loading in narrow ridges, combination ridge atomy, and extraction sites. Its sharp and deep threads provide exceptional primary implant stability, and its smooth neck prevents bacterial adhesion. The implant's threads are placed orthogonally to the occlusion load, ensuring remarkable stability in the cortical bone.

MOR - Spiral Implant

MOR is an implant with a high pitch, slightly aggressive implant, which is suitable for immediate loading.
It is characterized by a self-tapping screw with platform shifting and internal hex.

OPI - One Piece Implant

OPI implants are specifically designed for narrow ridges and tight spaces. The insertion of an OPI implant is a quick and simple one-stage procedure, this versatile implant can be used for single or multiple-unit restoration with immediate loading in both upper and lower jaws.

OPIB - Flexible Neck One Piece Implant

OPIB Flexible Neck One Piece Implant is a single unit containing a body comprising an implant and a straight structure, used for immediate loading because of its uniform structure.
This unique implant neck design can be curved up to 45°.

• Flexible Neck
• Immediate Loading
• Integrated Abutment

RBM - Spiral Implant

RBM is an implant with a high pitch, slightly aggressive implant, which is suitable for immediate loading.
It is characterized by a self-tapping screw with platform shifting and internal hex.

SOL - Slim Spiral Implant

SOL is a slim implant with a high pitch, slightly aggressive implant, which is suitable for immediate loading.
It is characterized by a self-tapping screw with platform shifting and internal hex.

ZYG - Zygomatic Implant

GDT ZYG Implant is a highly effective treatment option for atrophic edentulous maxillae and maxillectomy abnormalities.
Compared to grafting procedures, the primary advantage of the zygomatic implant is the benefit of immediate function, which includes fewer clinical visits and less invasive intervention.

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